SKU: ET-UTP-ACT4P5EUCM3RBGY Categorías: , ,


Este cable de cobre Actassi es de categoría 5e con conductores de cobre sólido de 24 AWG (0,51 mm) de 4 pares aislados con polietileno de alta densidad. Los conductores aislados están fuertemente trenzados en pares y cubiertos con material de PVC. El cable Actassi Categoría 5e de 4 pares proporciona una excelente transmisión de alta velocidad, está certificado para 100 MHz. Este producto está listado por UL. Este cable UTP tiene una longitud de 305m, Comunicación Multipropósito con cubierta de color gris.



Range Actassi
Product or component type Copper cable
Colour tint Grey
Cable shielding type U/UTP


Type of cable 4 pair cables
Communication network category 5e
Minimum return loss Guaranteed: 19.4 dB at 0.772 MHz
Guaranteed: 20 dB at 1 MHz
Guaranteed: 23 dB at 4 MHz
Guaranteed: 24.5 dB at 8 MHz
Guaranteed: 25 dB at 10 MHz
Guaranteed: 25 dB at 16 MHz
Guaranteed: 25 dB at 20 MHz
Guaranteed: 24.3 dB at 25 MHz
Guaranteed: 23.6 dB at 31.25 MHz
Guaranteed: 21.5 dB at 62.5 MHz
Guaranteed: 20.1 dB at 100 MHz
Attenuation Guaranteed: 1.8 dB @ 0.772 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 2 dB @ 1 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 4.1 dB @ 4 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 5.8 dB @ 8 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 6.5 dB @ 10 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 8.2 dB @ 16 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 9.3 dB @ 20 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 10.4 dB @ 25 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 11.7 dB @ 31.25 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 17 dB @ 62.5 MHz per 100 m cable
Guaranteed: 22 dB @ 100 MHz per 100 m cable
Power sum near-end crosstalk [PSNEXT] Guaranteed: 64 dB at 0.772 MHz
Guaranteed: 62.3 dB at 1 MHz
Guaranteed: 53.3 dB at 4 MHz
Guaranteed: 48.8 dB at 8 MHz
Guaranteed: 47.3 dB at 10 MHz
Guaranteed: 44.3 dB at 16 MHz
Guaranteed: 42.8 dB at 20 MHz
Guaranteed: 41.3 dB at 25 MHz
Guaranteed: 39.9 dB at 31.25 MHz
Guaranteed: 35.4 dB at 62.5 MHz
Guaranteed: 32.3 dB at 100 MHz
Near end crosstalk [NEXT] Guaranteed: 67 dB at 0.772 MHz
Guaranteed: 65.3 dB at 1 MHz
Guaranteed: 56.3 dB at 4 MHz
Guaranteed: 51.8 dB at 8 MHz
Guaranteed: 50.3 dB at 10 MHz
Guaranteed: 47.3 dB at 16 MHz
Guaranteed: 45.8 dB at 20 MHz
Guaranteed: 44.3 dB at 25 MHz
Guaranteed: 42.9 dB at 31.25 MHz
Guaranteed: 38.4 dB at 62.5 MHz
Guaranteed: 35.3 dB at 100 MHz
Input impedance 100 Ohm (+/- 6) at 1…100 MHz
Maximum loop resistance 93.8 Ohm
Capacitance unbalance 330 pF / 100 m
Maximum resistance unbalance 5 %
wire insulation material PE
Conductor material Solid bare copper
AWG gauge AWG 24
Cable outer diameter 4.9 mm
Cable length 305 m


Ambient air temperature for operation 75 °C
Product certifications UL
Flame retardance CM
Standards ISO/IEC 11801
UL 444


Packing Units
Unit Type of Package 1 PCE
Number of Units in Package 1 1
Package 1 Weight 11.0 kg
Package 1 Height 21.0 cm
Package 1 Width 35.0 cm
Package 1 Length 35.0 cm